Invite investors into the oil refining and the environment
ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTMENT COMPANIES And TO PRIVATE INVESTORS Dear managers and pr ivate investors! SOFTAN l imi ted l iabi l i ty company, Moscow. Russia, looks for the investor to Finance const ruct ion (Star t -up) mini -oi l processing plant in an indust r ial zone of Luga, the Leningrad region. Russia. Bui lding si te wi th a total area f rom 4.95 for hectare, i t is close to the rai lway deadlock, to presence of networks of natural gas, connect ion and service of sewages, waters and in km distance f rom the resident ial area. The project purpose for processing not commercial fuel oi l and oi l slags. These raw mater ials reserve in Russia, actual ly unl imi ted, very cheap, a nd i ts processing can solve many problems of environmental protect ion. Capaci ty of plant is 220 thousand tons/year of raw mater ials. The sum of investments - about or $26 mi l l ion. The payback per iod - 3 years since star t of the f irst stage. Under the operat ing formula of est imat ion of cost of business at i ts sale, in the given ter r i tory, the sum of proceeds wi l l be not less 6,5 bi l l ion roubles or 433 % annual. Form of investment - the creat ion and regist rat ion of new companies, where the founders Ltd. wi l l include "SOFTAN" investor or investors associat ion and a number of individuals. Par t icipat ion in the capi tal of the basis – cont ractual under the fol lowing condi t ions: - Examinat ion of the investment project; - Work on the Board created by the company; - Suppor t in the management of the company; - Out of the share capi tal of the company af ter the end of investment agreement; The f inal product of processing of this plant wi l l be commodi ty Gasol ine and diesel f ract ions as a component of motor fuel and fuel oi l . The per iod of int roduct ion of the project to begin product ion of 9 -12 months wi th the beginning of const ruct ion. The business plan, feasibi l i ty study and presentat ion of the project is avai lable, but due to the instabi l i ty of the ruble require f inal izat ion. The representat ive of the company in St . Petersburg, Russia on this project Lounev Igor Igorevich as the representat ive of PRACTIC group of companies, St . Petersburg. Russia. Mob. phone: +7 965 030 46 36; +7 906 277 73 15 E-mai l : tocD@inbox. ru |
Автор |
Kontio Terho |
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