I am preparing your business for a successful launch in Russia:

  26.06.2024       64       Московская область         
I am preparing your business for a successful launch in Russia:
I will take all necessary actions to establish a full-fledged representation in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Siberian region) in order to launch the following business directions: organizing the export of oil/gas; oil and gas products, as well as petrochemical products for export from leading companies in the oil and gas sector of Russia, organizing and supporting export transactions, monitoring product shipment and logistics of deliveries, organizing the necessary document flow; mastering promising oil and gas investment projects both in Russia and beyond (launch of oil and gas processing, storage facilities, and product transshipment hubs).
Terms of partnership: company representation, managing partnership; current fixed monthly income, covering representation and organizational expenses, plus a percentage of transactions (all within reasonable and negotiable limits).tngs@mail.ru

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